Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Organizing the lesson plan book

 The first thing I do with the lesson plan book is to color code tab the sections.  The Tabs on the right are the month calendars so that I can schedule out units and lesson plans for the semesters. The red tabs are the months for the first semester, the yellow, for the second semester, etc.  I always include no school days in one color and half days in another color so that I clearly see them as I go thru my plans.
color coded calendar for units at a quick glance
 Step two is to go thru the plan book and label each date for the weekly plan areas, and again I color code the lesson plans.  I cannot tell you how many times in my early years of teaching, I would work on writing lessons for the upcoming week or two and forget a half day or a no school day and it messes up how the unit will go and I have to readjust (especially before a break!).  When they are brightly color coded I know not to touch that day, or afternoon for lesson plans.  I use a third color for field trips and assemblies, once I get that schedule on the monthly and daily calendars.  

The colored tabs at the top mark the semesters.  IE Red=1st semester, Yellow=2nd semester, Green=third semester and Blue=4th Semester.  These match the months that are included for the semesters for the calendars at the front too. I add the tab for the new semester for the first week of that semester.
the colors help me remember not to schedule anything for that day in the colored in time area In my system pink= no school days yellow are half days so no lessons for the afternoon.

 Finally, I use a tab, like this one, for the week I am on so that I can quickly flip to it.   I prefer having the entire year labeled before the first week of school so that I can record everything as it comes up.  It takes about an hour to set up the entire lesson plan book, but its an hour well spent for keeping the year organized. It helps to bring to meetings already completed and add to as things come up throughout the year. Happy Planning! :)