Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Welcome to Funk's Forum

I am an elementary teacher in Arizona, who has been teaching for 9 years.  Having taught a variety of grades including 4th, 6th and 8th grade science I have learned a lot over the years.  I received both my undergrad and masters degree in Education from ASU, and am a third generation graduate from ASU.  I have endorsements in math, science and gifted education.  I have been trained in SDAIE, ESL, Kegan and AVID. I absolutely love planning for my classroom and teaching the young charges given to me each year!  Each and every year I discover new things about the profession, grow and challenge myself to improve my practice.  Having had several student teachers over the years, I have realized that I enjoy sharing ideas with other professionals- hence the blog.  I hope you find resources and activities that spur ideas to be utilized within your classroom.  We are all in this profession together, and together we are stronger.  A favorite quote of mine is "You are only as good as the teacher next to you", and I love the idea that our doors are plentiful with online capabilities and we can glean from each other ideas that ultimately benefit the children we teach!  Enjoy the ideas shared on the blog and please feel free to comment and share how you adapted and maybe even improved upon my ideas!

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